Providing Optimum Coverage and Capacity in Atlanta Market

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AT&T’s Atlanta Market leveraged QuadGen Wireless for network engineering and optimization services as part of significant coverage and capacity improvements tied to a tight delivery schedule. QuadGen’s Subject Matter Expertise, Domain Specialization and Technology Advocacy ensured efficient, fast Service Delivery.

QuadGen’s RF team processed site configuration data, network dumps, and AT&T standards. By leveraging our standard tool box and our homegrown EQpt system QuadGen recommended Admission Control Parameters, x2 black Listed and White listed RBS IDs, RET Changes, CSFB Parameters, and Inter Technology Parameters among others.

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Year 2014-15 Atlanta program statistics

  • 900+ Macro Site RF Designs
  • 900+ LTE Macro Site RF Optimizations
  • 300+ UMTS Macro Site RF Optimizations
  • 100+ Macro Site Cell Sites Rehomes, Frequency Retunes, & PSC Retunes
  • 6500+ Hours RF & RAN Performance Consulting

[/mk_custom_list][vc_column_text]**Alarm, RSSI and VSWR monitored throughout the optimization cycle[/vc_column_text][mk_custom_list title=”Observations”]

  • Cluster consist of 12 LTE sites
  • Baseline LTE coverage was poor near the sites
  • Poor Session Continuity observed
  • Highway connectivity gaps observed
  • Baseline Time On LTE observed under threshold
  • High RSSI issue observed on majority of sites
  • MIMO swap on 2 site
  • Overshooting cells observed from 12 Miles
  • Multiple failures and drops observed in the cluster due to loss of sync between
  • UE and node B.
  • Overshooting cells identified.

[/mk_custom_list][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/2″][mk_custom_list title=”KPI Achieved”]

Year 2014- 15 statistics given below.

  • Time on LTE – 99.5%
  • DL throughput – 16.31 Mbps
  • UL throughput – 8.41 Mbps
  • CS Accessibility – 99.91%
  • PS Accessibility – 98.93%
  • PS Retainability – 98.89%
  • CS Drop Rate – 0.23%
  • Achieved Traffic Distribution 40:60 respectively between 1C and 2C LTE carriers.
  • IRAT Trending < 1.5%

[/mk_custom_list][mk_custom_list title=”Process”]

  • Implemented CSRF script in the Network to clear MIMO swaps
  • Following tilt and Parameter Changes in the network recommended (Based on Eqpt tool)

[/mk_custom_list][mk_custom_list title=”Result”]

  • CS/PS KPI’s are all Green from the Final Drive Data
  • DL/UL Throughputs look good for a 10 MHz Carrier
  • All the sectors are transmitting as per Azimuths
  • PS Accessibility improved from 98.2% – 100%
  • PS Retainability improved from 97.8% – 100%
  • ATT coverage footprint was much better than competitor Verizon after optimization
  • After optimization number of setup failure and call drop reduced significantly, hence the session continuity and access to the network improved
