Cost, speed of deployment, and quality control are all challenges that can arise when providing a network solution for a new site build. QuadGen was hired to commission, integrate, and optimize over 400 new site builds for a new wireless operator. QuadGen not only engineered and deployed a quality solution, but we stayed within budget and the project timeline. By supplying remote integration and testing, we offer a full turnkey solution that can be tailored to meet our customers’ needs.
Scope of Work
- SIAD Provisioning
- CIQ Development
- NSB Design Scripts
- NSB Commissioning and Integration
- NSB PIM Testing
- NSB RF Optimization
- NSB Commercial Launch
To date, we have launched over 150 NSBs for this customer. We have met all service-level agreements (SLAs) and our customer has been extremely impressed with the quality of work and high level of professionalism QuadGen provides. QuadGen offers remote engineering service support which brings down costs and reduces deployment time. Remote service support promotes a high level of quality control because it provides the opportunity to enhance processes and procedures in a centralized location. QuadGen demonstrated our ability to seamlessly implement a network solution and fully optimize each NSB in the carriers broader network.